People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Everything we do in this life leaves a lasting impression wherever we are. The difference is some impressions leave others flattened and others fill them with a spirit of trust and relationship.

I am thinking back to all my teachers I had growing up from kindergarten through high school and beyond. Of course, I cannot remember everything that was said to me over the course of decades, but I know if I see one that made a positive impression, I am filled with positive emotions…and the other way is true too! Words and actions pave the way for emotions and it is the emotions that stay stored in our brains.

Use this and remember this when you interact with the people in your lives. Too many negative interactions or even apathy toward people can leave imprints on people. These imprints turn into the perception they have about you and can affect the relationship one way or another.

Remember Maya’s words and let them live inside you and guide you in your interactions. Be well!
