The Team
We have seen some sports teams amazing teams in recent memory. Everything from undefeated records and dynasties to underdogs and heroic comebacks. There has been so much written about the power of teamwork in the sports and corporate arena, and many of these concepts can be applied directly to your family and partner. We marvel at our teams on the field and court and travel hundreds and thousands of miles to see people play. Are we marveling at our own work in our households with our relational partner? You may be in a relationship and may have a family but it doesn’t mean you have a great team.
This is where the new era can begin for you and your partner. The idea of looking at your partner as your teammate eliminates the need for power and the structure of hierarchy. It gives everyone an equal voice in talking about issues related to the relationship and to the family. As the podcast on listening stated, people want to be heard, feel valued, and be understood. When couples apply all the concepts from this podcast series on relationships, they can’t help but become a team. They will become more unified, experience a stronger sense of trust, greater intimacy, and more feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
Santos Marriage and Family Counseling said that the two main goals of a relationship are happiness and fulfillment. All great teams and relationships know that you cannot accomplish those goals if each person in the relationship is focused on individual needs and goals. Additionally, these goals can derail if both members of the relationship engage in negative talk toward their partners. If one person constantly hears about flaws, areas of improvement, and other negative things, they cannot help but become negative inside. We become what we are emotionally fed. When we focus on lifting our partner up while encouraging and believing in them, we will experience a fresh sensation of teamwork that will continually bond you to the other person.
Teams do a great job of leaving a legacy for other teams to follow. We’ve seen many sports team gain inspiration by looking to their past, hanging championship banners, and soaking in the experience of veteran players. Couples and families who are a unified team leave a legacy for their children to emulate down the road. Our children never miss a beat and become a product of their environment. Everything from language to how they see parents deal with conflict and issues will leave lasting imprints on them when they have their own households. Couples should be committed to the process of being a team, stand in the face of adversity, remain consistent and realize their actions have long-lasting ramifications.